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December 2024

Our consultant, Wayne, recently published an article in the Heart and Mind Journal highlighting two trusted and two innovative ways to personalize dementia prevention strategies.








April 2021

The aim of this article is to:

(i) identify and describe caregiver profiles based on their psychosocial health characteristics over a 12-month period and transitions among these profiles.


(ii) determine if stroke rehabilitation use at 12 months post-stroke differed by caregiver profile transition patterns.


(iii) investigate if caregiver profiles at 3 months post-stroke moderate the association of stroke rehabilitation use at 3 months and 12 months post-stroke after accounting for covariates.

November 2018

Previous research has uncovered patient factors for long-term care service (LTCS) use.


To improve service planning and design, this study aims to elucidate the caregiver factors that influence LTCS use in Singapore.​









June 2015

This study examines the relationship between caregivers' perception of community-based long-term care (CBLTC) services and the service use.


The first two waves of the longitudinal data set of care recipients and their caregivers in Singapore were used.


Four perceived attributes of LTC services were measured on a 5-point scale.

September 2014

This study used baseline data from the Singapore Longitudinal Survey for long-term care (LTC) use conducted from December 2011 to December 2013.


The relationship between community-based long-term care (CBLTC) use and care recipient and caregiver predisposing factors, need and enabling factors, and psychosocial factors were examined using logistic regressions.

February 2023

Our consultant, Wayne, is leading a study that aims to identify (i) proactive career management behaviours and activities among female health professionals and (ii) outcomes of proactive career management initiatives. This study will contribute to a larger study on encouraging proactive career management behaviours among Singapore female health professionals.

December 2020

The very rapid ageing of Singapore’s population is placing a huge burden on informal caregivers.


Wayne discusses two macroeconomic strategies – strengthening redistributive measures and professionalizing informal caregiving - that may alleviate this burden.


A national study on informal caregiving is urgently required to identify specific areas and caregiver segments that will benefit from these strategies.





March 2018

This study aimed to:

(i) provide precision on the existence, magnitude, and direction of the relationship between informal caregiver needs – burden, health status and depression, and formal long-term care service (LTCS) utilization.


(ii) provide evidence to support caregiver training programmes.


(iii) propose a new model of factors for formal LTCS utilization.

December 2014

This study evaluates a new transition process that reduces resource duplication and patient waiting time, and increases take-up rate.


It shows that the key ingredients of success in this pilot are informed care decisions made early and shorter processing time from care needs assessment to service provider assignment.




September 2014

To understand what influences caregivers to use long-term care services, this study presents findings from Singapore, showing caregivers’ needs as an important factor, amongst other factors such as the availability of formal and informal care support, attitudes, perceived control, and social norms surrounding family caregiving.

May 2021

Wayne has contributed an entry on critical gerontology to the Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging.


Critical gerontology is expected to continue to play a critical role in offering a fuller conceptualization of age and ageing in an increasingly diverse older adult population.​​







September 2020

This thesis aimed to elucidate the role of informal caregiver subjective well-being in explaining formal long-term care service (LTCS) use.


A systematic review and meta-analysis of literature found that elevated caregiver burden, caregiver depression, and poorer caregiver health status are associated with increased formal LTCS use.







November 2015

As the fastest ageing Asian nation, Singapore expects increasing demand for formal long-term care (LTC) services. However, current utilization rates are relatively low compared to Western contexts.


This 1-year study of care recipients and caregivers sheds light on the reasons behind the use of LTC services.




December 2014

Evidence in the past decade suggests that caregiver factors may also play an important role in the utilization of formal long-term care services (LTCS). However, no systematic quantitative review examining the contribution of caregiver factors on LTCS utilization has been conducted.






October - December 2014

This survey was conducted by the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) on General Practitioners (GP) to determine the specific areas in which the agency could work with them to enhance mental illness management in Singapore.


General geriatrics, dementia, general mental health, and major depression were the areas of interest for further training.

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